Pataki Stephen
February 23, 1979 - October 16, 2016Pataki Stephen, age 37, was born February 23, 1979, in Kansas City, Missouri, and departed this life in Knoxville, TN, October 14, 2016.
He was preceded in death by his grandparents: Pataki Laszlo, Pataki Erzsebet, Swartz Aladar, and his father-in-law, Popa Iuliu Vasile.
Survivors include his wife, Pataki Iulia; son, Pataki Adrian; daughter, Pataki Leah; father, Pataki Csaba; mother, Pataki Estera; sisters: Pataki Cindy; Luncanu Izabella; brother, Pataki Csaba Roland; grandmother, Marie Dancso; nieces: Luncanu Adalena, Luncanu Iliyana; nephew, Pataki Csaba Laszlo; aunt, Pataki Iudith; aunt and godmother, Eva Kalbass; aunt, Iocsak-Dancso Marie; uncle, Pataki Laszlo; uncle and godfather, Pavel Kalbass; uncle, Iocsak Tibi; cousins: Nicholas Kalbass, Louis Kalbass, Peter Kalbass, Kristina Kalbass, Andrea Hermandez, Isocsak Christopher; sister-in-law, Pataki Szasz Aniko; as well as several other family members and many friends, all to mourn his passing.
The family will receive friends Saturday, October 22, 2016, from 3-5 P.M. in the Hart Funeral Home Chapel, located at 1011 Master Street, Corbin.
JoAnn Young
Posted at 01:39h, 20 OctoberI
JoAnn Young
Posted at 01:46h, 20 OctoberI want to wish the Pataki family all my condolences. I also wanted to tell Mrs. Pataki that she is not alone and all has been witnessed numerous times all that’s been done and said. Good luck and GOD speed and I hope we can help.
mike skeene
Posted at 13:45h, 20 OctoberPrayers for the family, Steve was a friend who always was willing to give a hand to my family and myself . Always upbeat with us , I truly enjoyed all my conversations with him. Steve you will be missed !!!!
Posted at 18:09h, 20 OctoberSo sorry for your loss. May he rest in piece. And may the Lord lay his hands on your hearts and help to heal your minds in this terrible time.
Eva Takacs
Posted at 23:04h, 23 OctoberMy deepest condolences. I will keep the entire family in my thoughts and prayers during these tough times. We will miss you Steve.
M J Jarmon
Posted at 21:41h, 16 NovemberI read about the untimely death of Steve and I know the Stephen family has saddened hearts today. I know Steve has left his friends and loved ones with many precious memories from his 37 short years and will be greatly missed. So I wanted to share this beautiful scripture where our heavenly father, Jehovah, (Psalm 83:18), promises us that he is going to do away with man’s greatest enemy, death. Rev. 21: 4; “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. God’s kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for at Matt. 6: 9, 10 will bring about these wonderful promises, including the resurrection. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, but we are all guaranteed a resurrection. (John 5:28, John 6:40, John 11:25) For more comforting scriptures please visit: http://bit.ly/1K38EFt. It has given me hope, strengthened my faith and helped me find the answer to Why? I know it will do the same for you. Jehovah invites you to throw all your burdens on him and he will sustain you in your time of grief. It is my prayer this scripture will give you comfort in your grief. If you feel up to contacting me, my email address is: myranj@centurytel.net